Tuesday, July 02, 2002
7/02/2002 10:02:00 AM by Daniel
Democrats take the Plege, but God burns them anyway.
I noticed a huge discrepancy between the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll results from June 21-23 and June 28-30 on the generic Congressional ballot. Yesterday (July 1st) Gallup released an analysis from a survey taken a week ago (June 21-23) which showed the Democrats with a big lead in the generic Congressional ballot. Among regular voters the Dems lead 49% to 45%, while among registered voters the Dems lead 50% to 42%.
Yesterday another article from USA Today reported that a survey by the same CNN/USA Today/Gallup combination, taken June 28-30, has Reps leading 46% to 44% among adults, and Reps leading 49% to 44% among registered voters.
That's a 13% swing among registered voters in a single week. Now it is possible that the results merely represent outliers, on the extreme ends of the statistical margins of error. Or maybe somebody at Gallup or USA Today confused the "R" and "D" letters. But there has been nothing in the news that could possibly explain such an incredibly drastic reversal.
Oops, yes there was -- a certain Circuit Court decision that outlawed "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.
If the surveys are accurate, and that swing is real, then you know why Democrats have been stumbling over the Capital steps desperately trying to do damage control.