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Friday, April 05, 2002


How about if we rename it the

Nobel Piss Prize?

Language matters, and it's time we stopped the expropriation of the word "peace" by the Nobel Comittee. Even though I should know better, I was still appalled when I saw the Instapundit report about Nobel Committee members who regretted giving the 1994 prize to Shimon Perez but were not the least bit concerned that they'd also given it to terrorist Yasser Arafat. I immediately went and signed the petition to revoke Arafat's prize (along with over 212,000 others).

But afterwords I realized that the petition was still implicitly ceding respect to the Nobel Committee. We have to show our contempt for a "Peace Prize" which in reality glorifies terrorism. So let's call it what it is: The Nobel Piss Prize. And let's call the Nobel Committee members what they are: Suckups to warmongers and terrorists like Arafat who are swallowing whole their foul waste products.

Nobel Piss Prize is certainly appropriate for this incredible joke. AL Gore wins for a movie which is full of lies and distortions. If he were to become president we could all live in the comic book that is Algores mind. Nobel peace prize? Where's the peace?
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