Thursday, February 28, 2002
2/28/2002 10:51:00 PM by Daniel
I know, I'm not exactly updating my blog on a frequent basis.
But I'm not entirely shirking my duty. A couple of comments that I sent to InstaPundit were immediately published by Glenn Reynolds, and that should count, shouldn't it?
In one case I suggested that Cheney could still be Bush's 2004 VP running mate, then resign for "health reasons" sometime during their second term and be replaced by Condi Rice. That would give her a clear path to the Presidency in 2008.
In another case I help debunk the rumors that Dell Computer is anti-gun. Handgun Control Inc. has a sales link to Dell and gets a commission for computer sales that pass through the HCI website, but that affiliate sales program is actually run through a third party. So the sales link does not necessarily imply any knowledge or approval of HCI on the part of Dell. This information is not original with me (someone else on Free Republic dug it out), but I've been trying to disseminate it rapidly, to avoid unjustified retaliation against a company that doesn't appear to deserve all the flack it's been getting.